When you make a gift to Alice Hyde, you help support programs and services that could not happen with operating dollars alone. Donations fuel our mission and touch every aspect of our work, ensuring that we can provide outstanding care for our families, friends and community.
Ways to Support Alice Hyde Medical Center
Charitable Giving
Donors are important partners in providing high-quality health care to our patients and community.
Honor a Caregiver
Give a gift in the name of a special provider, nurse, or staff member who stood by you.
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Planned Giving
Give now, leave a legacy.
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Upcoming Events
5K Registration SiteWorkforce Development
The national workforce shortage is impacting health care organizations across the country, and our region is no exception. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated team of health care professionals here at Alice Hyde Medical Center – and we want to continue to develop, nurture and retain talent in our rural region.
Through educational and training initiatives and financial support, we aim to build a culture of learning and growth to attract and sustain a team of highly skilled medical professionals. Your gift is an investment in the future of our workforce, and will support them as they build their knowledge and skills to elevate the care they provide for our community.
Find a Cause You Care About
Cancer Care
Help patients and families receiving cancer care.
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The Alice Center
Contribute to the care and comfort of our Alice Center residents and their families.
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Ways To Give
As a not-for-profit hospital, all gifts are tax deductible and all dollars earned are invested in providing modern health care close to home.
Gifts can be made in the form of cash, credit card, stock transfers, real estate, planned gifts and more.
Contact Us
Do you have questions or need assistance making a donation? We're here to help!
Call (518) 481-2794 or email us at cmarshall@alicehyde.com