Celebrating Safely: COVID-19 and the Holidays

The holiday season is fast approaching, and with COVID-19 still prevalent in our region, it is important to think about how we can celebrate safely during get-togethers with family, friends and colleagues. Late last spring, we all expected that this holiday season would be back to normal. Sadly, the emergence of the delta variant has c[...]

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COVID-19 Hitting Close to Home

What we do now determines if our hospitals will get overwhelmed.

As COVID-19 cases surge in our region, many people are worrying about where they might contract the virus. In reality, you may only need to go as far as your own home. For most of us, our guard is up once we leave our home. We are on high alert, taking many precautions to reduce the risk of getting sick. Yet, the number of po[...]

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Turning the Tide Against COVID-19 During Thanksgiving

What we all need to think of before the holiday

COVID-19 is spreading faster and wider in our region than we have seen before. And, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, this opportunistic virus is ready to take a stronger grip on our community if we are not careful. Many of us are thinking about spending time with family and friends we have not seen in person for a long time d[...]

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Soap vs. Sanitizer?

The run on sanitizer makes it clear that people think alcohol cleansers are better than simple soap and water. In the case of COVID-19 this is wrong. Why? Washing with soap and water actually washes dirt or particles away – alcohol based sanitizers just spread things around and relies on alcohol to[...]

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Advice from an Infectious Disease Physician on COVID-19: Act Like You Have It

By: Wouter Rietsema, MD - CVPH VP of Population Health & Information Services, Infectious Disease Specialist

As an Infectious Disease Physician and Hospital Administrator, over the past several weeks I have been touting the many ways people can help protect themselves from COVID-19 – hand-washing, avoid touching your face, social distancing.  And then it hit me.  A better way to look at stopping the spread of the virus is to act like yo[...]

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Everyone Plays a Part in Keeping Health System Strong

I was on the phone recently with my 28 year-old daughter who lives in the Boston area. I asked her what she was feeling down there related to novel coronavirus or COVID-19.  She said she thought that it seemed like people were going “over the top” with responses. They had just closed the schools in her town after a single confir[...]

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Words Matter: Using our Voices to Speak Out Against Dangerous Speech

By: Michelle LeBeau, President, Alice Hyde Medical Center & CVPH Matt Jones, Chief Operating Officer, Alice Hyde Medical Center Kent Hall, MD, Regional Vice President of Medical Affairs Wouter Rietsema, MD, Vice President Population Health and Information Services, CVPH As headline after headli[...]

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