How Trauma, Adversity Impact the Brain

Taking a Moment: Mindful ways to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic

Today I get to talk to you about how the brain is affected by adversity and trauma. Now, this is one of my most favorite topics and I've been told by communications that I can't go into the great detail that I would love to go into this because I got to get this done quickly. Here we go. As humans, we are designed to maintain b[...]

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Handling Sticky Situations

Taking a Moment: Mindful ways to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic

Today I want to talk to you about a sticky situation we often find ourselves in, or at least I find myself in. One of the challenges that we have being in healthcare is that we hear all of the different ways that this crisis affects society, and we know all the different ways that society can do something about it. We know that physica[...]

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