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Disinfectant Safety During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in numerous ways – including how we approach routine tasks like disinfecting common surfaces in our homes, how often we wash or sanitize our hands, and the number of questions we have about children and disinfectant safety. As the pandemic has forced families and children to spend more [...]

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TAC Pandemic Response Puts Residents First

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, The Alice Center’s team of nurses, aides, social workers, physical therapists and administrators have been leading the conversation on how long-term care facilities should respond to the crisis. Their hard work and dedication has earned them plaudits from state officials and health care professionals acro[...]

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Nurse's Mission is Compassionate Care

Being here to provide compassionate care to people in our community is a core principle of Alice Hyde’s mission. And the team of nurses, aides, and providers on our Medical-Surgical floor positively impact dozens of lives each day – from the patients they care for, to the loved ones, family members and advocates of those in their car[...]

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COVID-19 Hitting Close to Home

What we do now determines if our hospitals will get overwhelmed.

As COVID-19 cases surge in our region, many people are worrying about where they might contract the virus. In reality, you may only need to go as far as your own home. For most of us, our guard is up once we leave our home. We are on high alert, taking many precautions to reduce the risk of getting sick. Yet, the number of po[...]

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Food Insecurity, COVID-19 and the Holidays

During the holidays we celebrate in a variety of ways: gathering as families and friends, exchanging gifts, and of course, with food – whether it’s a special dish that has become your family’s holiday tradition, or the act of creating seasonal foods like Christmas Cookies together. But this year, as the COVID-19 pande[...]

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Having a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time when we come together with friends, relatives and loved ones – but this year is different. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to present a serious threat to our community, and we know that private gatherings like dinner parties and game nights have the potential to create high-risk environments for transmission of this [...]

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Turning the Tide Against COVID-19 During Thanksgiving

What we all need to think of before the holiday

COVID-19 is spreading faster and wider in our region than we have seen before. And, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, this opportunistic virus is ready to take a stronger grip on our community if we are not careful. Many of us are thinking about spending time with family and friends we have not seen in person for a long time d[...]

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Tips as We Transition Back to Virtual Learning

With the news that our school systems have made the difficult decision to transition to all virtual learning through the beginning of January, many families are facing numerous challenges – from how the change will impact parents’ work schedules to concerns about how to help children get the most out of online classes and adjust to a[...]

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Having a Safe, Fun Halloween

For both children and adults, Halloween is a special time of year – kicking off the holiday season and giving folks a variety of outlets to express their creativity – from a deftly-carved pumpkin to an inventive costume idea. Halloween will look different this year, but it can still be safe, fun and enjoyable if we plan ahe[...]

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I’m At–Risk for COVID-19. How Do Older Adults Get Care, and Stay Safe?

While we all wish there was a solution to put an end to COVID-19, we are best served to begin adjusting our behaviors, expectations and lifestyle to acknowledge this pandemic will take time to manage and resolve. As we shift to a longer-term acceptance of our new reality, many[...]

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