

Alice Hyde Donates $10,000 to The Heart Network


One of the region’s leading health advocacy and support organizations   received a funding boost from UVM Health Network – Alice Hyde Medical Center earlier this month, with the hospital donating $10,000 to support chronic disease prevention and management programs, as well as healthy school and community initiatives, at The Heart Network     .

Ann Morgan, Executive Director of The Heart Network     , said the majority of funds from Alice Hyde would go toward the network’s new and growing initiative: Get Healthy North Country, a community-integrated health network that is focused on connecting people either diagnosed with or at-risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, with evidence-based mitigation or self-management programs

“Everything we do focuses on helping people take charge of the things they have control over, to reduce their risk of chronic disease,” said Morgan. “That means helping them to quit tobacco, eat more nutritious foods, and be more physically active.”

“Get Healthy North Country is really about the partners who are getting involved and the networking that is happening as a result,” she added. “Many of the organizations, Alice Hyde included, are now offering chronic disease self-management programs in their communities. We intend to use this gift to help Alice Hyde and other Franklin County partners provide more opportunities for residents to join a program.”

Morgan said that while The Heart Network also runs programs and initiatives focused on everything from expanding opportunities for physical activities and healthy food in schools, to community planning, the focus of Get Healthy North Country is about responding to what providers and health-and-wellness advocates say is a longstanding and growing need for chronic disease prevention and self-management.

“Working with Alice Hyde has always been a complete pleasure, because you’ve got the most motivated, dedicated people working here,” she said. “I’m excited that we have an opportunity to continue the work together, and that the hospital is willing to invest in us and give us the opportunity to be successful in serving your community.”

Becca Shutts, MSN, MBA, RN, Alice Hyde’s Chief Nursing Officer, said the hospital recognizes the importance of partnering with and supporting organizations that advocate for healthy lifestyles and provide evidence-based programs and resources for people struggling with, or at-risk for, chronic diseases.

“Resources, information and support can truly be life-changing for individuals with a chronic disease or condition, and for those with risk factors that increase the likelihood of chronic disease,” said Shutts. “The Heart Network’s work is critical to the health and wellness of our communities, and we are proud to support their mission and vision for providing people with the information, support and resources to make healthy, informed decisions about their short- and long-term health and lifestyle goals.”

Alice Hyde’s donation to The Heart Network connects directly with the hospital’s Community Service Plan/Community Health Improvement Plan, which supports New York State’s Prevention Agenda. Funding was made possible through the shared commitment of Alice Hyde and UVM Health Network to Community Benefit work, including addressing local, social determinants of health which impact rural communities.
