Corporate Compliance

The Alice Hyde Medical Center is committed to providing high quality health care in an honest and efficient manner.  To meet this objective, AHMC voluntarily adopted a Corporate Compliance Program to establish a framework in accordance with applicable law to promote and assure ethical business practice and provide guidance to each employee and contractor regarding his or her conduct.

The Corporate Compliance Program in conjunction with the Medical Center’s policies & procedures describe the Medical Center’s expectations regarding compliance. The Program includes written standards of conduct that promote ethical behavior as well as various policies to prevent, detect and remedy fraud, waste and abuse.  AHMC encourages all employees, management, and contractors or agents to be aware of the laws regarding fraud and abuse and false claims and to identify and resolve any issues immediately.

AHMC takes issues regarding fraud, waste and abuse seriously.  It is important that all employees and individuals associated with AHMC (1) comply with the standards contained in the Corporate Compliance Program; (2) immediately report any suspected violations; and (3) assist, as needed in investigating allegations of wrongdoing. While there will be no retaliation allowed on those who raise issues, failure to observe the provisions of the Program and associated policies and procedures of AHMC can result in serious consequences to both the employee and the Medical Center in the form of termination, criminal charges and substantial monetary fines.

A compliance concern or question may be reported to the Corporate Compliance Officer. A report may be made using the Corporate Compliance Concern line (518) 481-2535.  AHMC will promptly investigate all reported concerns and take appropriate action for correction and reporting.

AHMC Compliance Resources:

AHMC Code of Conduct

AHMC Corporate Compliance Summary Report

Federal / State Compliance Resources:

Office of the Inspector General Website

New York State Laws & Regulations

New York State Medicaid Fraud Information

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Privacy Regulations / Q&A - HIPAA